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Pitter Patter

As I sit here eating my daughter's Valentine's chocolates (come on..she's only 3...), I can't help but feel a little nostalgic.  When I dropped her off at pre-school today, the kids went straight to the mats for circle time.  In her hand, she clutched Valentine's cards for her 18 classmates, on which she'd painstakingly written her name:  C. H. L. O. E.  Accent Aigu.  On each card, she'd attached a little packet of 'hot lips' because 'we just really should, mom'.  It was a true labour of love and she beamed with pride as she handed out the treats to all of her friends.  Though I play the cynic sometimes, I'm rather hopelessly in love with love, and still keep my old Valentine's cards, highschool 'love' letters and every little card, note and e-mail my husband has ever written me.  

Hope you enjoy this Valentine's Day and that it's filled with loads of love;  whether it's the romantic kind, the friend kind, the amazing pair of shoes kind, or the messed up Bachelor kind.  Is anyone else watching that?  Is Ben Flajnik on crack?  He needs to send that nasty biatch home already!  I mean...I'm sure she's really lovely way deep down inside.  Like, waaay deep down...

Okay, back to the chocolates.  Love you!


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Reader Comments (2)

Nice post. You are such a great writer Sarah and you are so lucky to have such a awesome husband. He truly is a unique and remarkable person. As amazing as you are, you really landed a good one. You should take care of him and be there for his every need. You should let him play xbox when he wants even if that means you have to change diapers or do dishes. Dont question his judgement because even when he's wrong, he really isnt.

Your mom
(not your husband writing under your moms account)

February 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMOI

unbelievable. seriously unbelievable. love you, 'mom' :)

February 14, 2012 | Registered Commenterrealliferunway

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