It's a running joke in my house that I have a Kinesiology degree. Why? Well, I ended up doing my post grad in fashion and am now a full-time fashion blogger. While I exercised regularly my whole life, having kids changed all that and now, cute gym gear has become more important to me than the act of working out itself. I've gotten in the habit of laughing off my laziness but as I get older, turns out I just can't get away with skipping the gym anymore. My sedentary state has produced undefined arms, less than rock-hard abs, and a sitting-is-the-new-smoking phobia since most of my work is done from the cushy confines of my couch.
When Bench asked me to work with them, I jumped at the chance (literally, see above). I'd already decided I wanted to recommit to an active lifestyle and so, the partnership seemed like the perfect kickstart. I didn't own a single Bench piece so couldn't wait to see what the buzz was about. I headed to my closest Bench store and tried on everything in sight, leaving with a perfect pair of leggings, gorgeous green and white tanks, and a black cinch-waist spring jacket. I'm not big on overt logos so had mentally written off Bench as 'not my thing' in the past, but was happy to discover the store is stocked with loads of subtly branded pieces.
It's been a few weeks and I can honestly say that I LIVE in my marled made-in-Canada Baddah leggings (the BEST, seriously - ask anyone) and am super impressed by the quality of everything I picked up at Bench. I've figured out that hardcore workouts just don't work for my busy lifestyle right now. And so, I simply try to fit in activity whenever I can. I play tag at the park with my kids, do ModelFit videos in my living room after they go to bed, and have even managed to squeeze in some treadmill time at the gym. Do I look like Gigi Hadid yet? Not even close. But my new workout gear helps me look good while I try to get there.
Thanks for getting this girl in fighting form, Bench. And seriously, I really #LoveMyHood.
My Bench spring picks.
Let's just call this the 'before'.
My favourite pair of leggings EVER. No joke.
Serious selfie before I attempt to run. Please don't pass out. Please don't pass out...
Yup, still got it.
Downward dog.
Think Fonzie's form might be better than mine. #PlankOff