Found: The J.Lo Glow
Watching American Idol last night, I barely noticed Steven Tyler's massive lips because they were totally trumped by J.Lo's luminous skin. You might not like her music or the way she pronounces 'Louboutins' but seriously, how stunning is she?! After the show, I checked myself out in the mirror and Oprah's 'Love Yourself!' chant grew dimmer and dimmer. I looked tired, I looked washed out and I definitely didn't glow. Would you glow after your teething 7-month old screamed from 4-6 am? I bet J.Lo's nannies don't glow. If the winter's left your skin looking more sallow than spectacular, it might be time to change up your beauty routine.
I've been a devotee of Nars' Orgasm Blush and YSL's Touche Eclat Radiant Touch for years but I've finally found two drugstore versions that are worthy, wallet-friendly substitutes. The concealer covers flaws (what flaws?!) and when applied to the inner corners of your eyes, around your nose and above your upper lip, gives you that 8-hour sleep look when you've only gotten 5. The blush is the closest thing to the NARS cult-favourite that I've found - just be sure to toss that useless mini brush and apply with a big, fluffy blush brush for a natural, pinched-cheek glow. We might not have J.Lo's beauty team behind us but with these prettifying tools in your makeup bag, you'll be a glowing goddess in no time. It will honestly be the best $20 you've spent all year. Want the full story behind J.Lo's luminous face? Click here for her makeup artist's secrets and get glowing.
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