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Buy a Tee, Build a School


This time of year, all of the excess helps to remind us of just how lucky we are and how very important it is to share the love.  The Build a School in Africa Tee is all about giving back to those not quite so fortunate. Roots and the Michael "Pinball" Clemons Foundation have joined the Academy of Lions' "The Shirt Project" to help provide education and a sustainable existence. All net proceeds from the sale of this shirt will support Pinball's goal of building schools for marginalized children in Africa through Free The Children's Adopt a Village Program. For every 500 tees sold, 1 school will be built, giving kids a place to learn, grow and thrive.

Through this limited-edition tee, enough money has been raised to build 16 schools (!) and counting, with 7 already being built and another 9 on the way.  Such a cool tee. Such an incredible concept.  And it makes a perfect last-minute philanthropic gift, too, btw...

Get your 'Build a School in Africa Tee' ($29.95) at Roots. 

And with that, I bid you adieu for the holidays! I'm off to eat, drink and be ridiculously merry.  You with me? A huge thanks to everyone who's made this year so incredible.  Because of you, I'm able to do what I love for a living and I am so incredibly grateful for your constant support. I'm getting all emotional..

Merry, Merry Christmas lovelies.  See you in 2013!


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Reader Comments (4)

You have earned a break, my little sugar plum. Soak up all the warmth and love that will surround you.
Best wishes always.

December 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterM

i will. can't wait for you to get here x

December 21, 2012 | Registered Commenterrealliferunway

This is an amazing thing roots is doing! Will definitely be picking up a tee!


P.s. Congrats on winning an Ela bag from Holts, I got one too and am super excited! Happy Holidays!

December 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCharlotte

Congrats, Charlotte! So exciting about the Holts win. Happy Holidays to you, too! x

December 22, 2012 | Registered Commenterrealliferunway

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