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Mamma Mia

Originally posted in The CLOSET

With Mom's Day less than a week away I have yet to actually get anything for my wonderful mom.  Sure, I've thought about it, (moms always taught us it's the thought that counts...) but doesn't a thoughtful present count just a little more?  Whether you're on a strict budget or you've got money to spare, these luxurious last-minute finds will make her feel incredibly loved this Mom's Day, from fantastic new under-$15 tunes to that Canon Rebel she's always wanted.  After all, she changed your diapers;  Consider this karmic payback.  And to all you moms out there, Happy Mother's Day this Sunday!  I never expected this but now that I'm a mom, I'm genuinely most excited about the card.  

Click on the thumbnails below for some perfect present inspiration:


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