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GIVE JOY: Your Holiday 2013 Guide


Photo: The Glamorous French Housewife.

Originally posted in The Fashion Scoop

With under a month left until the big day, we've all got presents and wrapping and parties on our minds. The holiday season is my absolute favourite time of the year and while I'm pretty stoked about a few of the things on my wishlist that I hope (fingers crossed) will find their way under the tree this year, I'm actually more excited about the gifts I'll be giving. My mom might be reading this blog post (thanks mom xo) so I won't spoil the surprise but let's just say that I was so excited about her gift that it's already bought, wrapped and labelled. And if you know me, you'll know that I am SO not that organized.

Giving is the best, especially when you find that perfect thing for somebody you love. To help, I've rounded up some of my favourite gifts right now, from the Maharaja Chai Oolong tea from Teavana that happens to be one of Oprah's Favourite Things this year, to the brand new XBox One gaming system that my husband really really wants (sorry, not happening), to some of the coolest new tech gadgets and toys out there this year. Happy shopping! Hope you find everything you're looking for (and more)...



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    GIVE JOY: Your Holiday 2013 Guide - Canadian Fashion and Style Blog - Real Life Runway

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