Never Say Never
Chambray Blazer, H&M; White Shirt, Banana Republic; Scarf, Club Monaco; Belt, Banana Republic; Pants, Zara; Polka-Dot Socks, Winners; Shoes, Johnston & Murphy
When I first met my husband way back in 2000, I had a serious style challenge on my hands. He was like a badly-kept, beautiful old home, except instead of shag-covered hardwood and dropped ceilings, his gorgeousness was hidden away by a bowl cut and tragic Eddie Bauer pleated khakis.
I loved him right away, penny loafers and bad 'do notwithstanding, and could definitely see loads of potential in his tall/dark/handsome looks, but wondered if he'd ever actually let me make him over. Here's the thing with guys - they don't like to ask for directions, they prefer to find their own path, get lost along the way, and take a really, really, long time to do it, and then eventually, 10 - 12 years later will finally come to you. And when they do, you will be there, armed with a pair of slim-fit trousers and a chambray blazer.
This outfit is what I consider James' graduation day. I have taught him what I know over the past few years, and this morning, this is what he came up with ALL BY HIMSELF. #proud #sniff
I'd give him a cap & gown but I'd hate to cover up all of this hotness.
Happy Friday, y'all! Any fun plans for the weekend?
Reader Comments (6)
I'd like to thank my mom for believing in me...oh and also Pinterest.
Fine, thanks Sarah for spiffing up my style! my beautiful and talented wife.
PS - I didnt have a bowl cut. You are exaggerating AND my shorts were in at the time depending on what circle you chose to circulate in.
See Sara I told u James was a hunk in high school and all the girls wanted him and his green jeep! Oh and how can u forget the biceps he had scooping ice cream at the ice cream parlour! My heart is still a flutter! Hehe! ;)
As part of James' crowd back in the uni days, I swear he was super in-style at the time...reaaallly. Although given I look back at my university pictures and have an involuntary gag reflex at my own terrible pixie-cut (what was I thinking?!) I dont have much credibility. Yay 1999.
Fine, modified bowl cut, but a bowl cut nonetheless. All's well that ends well xo
Ha! You were focused on getting a career while I was focused on my wardrobe. I'm pretty sure your priorities were in a better place :)
He's a keeper!!
You should frame this article and put it in his closet. So cute!!
PLEASE take Ben shopping.
PS. I had a bowl cut and a pixie cut. I rocked them both. :)