GIVE JOY | Our Top Gift Picks of 2014
Yes, a Crockpot can be cool, but only when done up in rainbow chevron.
Originally posted in The LOOK
It's the most wonderful time of the year. No, really, it is. But sometimes, all of that wonder and joy can get lost in the rush. One look at my December calendar and chances are you'll find me either crumpled in a quivering heap on the floor, seeking advice from my Elf on the Shelf and/or downing another box of Turtles. Between the parties, family get-togethers, work deadlines, school plays and Christmas concerts, I'm left wondering if I'll have time to shower. And don't even get me started on the lists: lists of cards to send, lists of things to do, lists of gifts to buy. And gifts. And more gifts.
Speaking of gifts, I've put together a great gift guide for Intercity Shopping Centre that should help you as you look around for that perfect present. Check it out and sorry for the poor effort at posting this week. I've been busy (read: crumpled up in a corner, seeking advice from my Elf on the Shelf, eating Turtles)
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