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PINK VS. BLUE | Meet the Top Colours of 2016

Dior S/S 2016 - via Harpers Bazaar UK

Originally posted in The CLOSET

As a fashion addict, I'm always curious to see Pantone's yearly colour reveal. Is it going to be bright? Is it going to be pretty? And will it really even matter? I mean let's face it - last year's colour announcement was a total downer.  Marsala? Hmm. I don't know about you, but I don't like watered-down wine in any context.   For 2016, Pantone took note and hit us with not one but two top picks for its shades of the year. The pretty in pink Rose Quartzand tranquil blue Serenity feel totally right right now. I mean, why pit boy vs. girl when you can have both?   



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