Originally posted in The Fashion Scoop
It takes one to know one; and by that I mean parents. You know, those of us who nod at each other in the diaper aisle, bleary-eyed, stressed out, shaky from a month straight of 6 hours of sleep (total), at which point we resort to drinking massive jugs of black coffee, even though we swore we'd never touch the stuff. And don't even get me started on the colds, flus, foot & mouth and other random rashes we encounter on a weekly basis. 'Didn't your son have the flu a few weeks ago?' your boss will say skeptically. 'Yup, he did. But he has it again, only a totally rare, more horrendous version. What's that? Oh, yes, he got the flu shot. My kid was the one at the clinic wailing at the top of his lungs, flinging cotton balls at the nurses and then screaming some more when the volunteer had the gall to give him an Angry Birds sticker instead of an Angry Birds Starwars sticker. So yes, I am working from home today whilst changing bedsheets, eating peanut butter from a spoon and listening to the Frozen soundtrack on repeat. What's that you said about deadlines?'
Most dads today get this every bit as well as moms. I mean, I can't tell you how amazing my husband is at singing 'Let It Go' while simultaneously baking kale chips and responding to emails. The dads of today are modern day superheroes, able to leap tall Lego towers in a single bound and go where no other generation of dads has gone before. And by that I mean to playdates, bake sales and diaper drawers. It's a tough job, the very best job, and luckily, we have such amazing dads to tackle it with.
Looking for a thank-you for a parental job well done? We've rounded up our fav gifts for the dad in your life to help you get it just right this year. Happy Father's Day!
See our Father's Day Guide here...