
Entries in Best Gifts for Dad (7)


Last-Minute Gifts for the Dapper Dad

Forget tried-and-true tool kits and perfunctory cases of beer—this Father’s Day, it’s all about raising your gift-giving game. In my latest story for W Dish, I've sussed out the raddest gifts for dad, from a coffee maker that will blow his mind to an 'anti-stink' running shirt that will change his workouts (and your post-workout hugs) forever. If you're still searching for the perfect gift, look no further...



DAD'S DAY | 15 Gifts to Get Him Up-to-Date

Oh, hey David Beckham. via Pinterest

Originally posted in The Fashion Scoop

While we make fun of guys for having it easy, dads have a lot to handle - from work to endless weekend to-do's. And while they manage to stay profesh at work and handy at home, they're still expected to be super romantic and a super fun dad, too. Is it any wonder that staying stylish isn't at the top of the list for most over-scheduled dads? Whether he lives in his Crocs or has tragically fallen victim to Dad jeans, we can help. From a forever cool tee to the must-have shades of summer, these 15 gifts will bring Dad right up-to-date this Father's Day. Easy! 

Check out our fashionable Father's Day Gift Guide below, then be sure to check out the hilarious video below (the dad with the baritone kills me). I know my husband can totally relate to this one. Happy (almost) Father's Day!




LET'S HEAR IT FOR THE BOY | Our Ultimate Dad's Day Gift Guide

You're welcome ;)

Originally posted in The CLOSET

You've got to hand it to dads. I mean, enduring ballet recitals, waiting out endless bathroom takeovers and braving the long teenage years is enough to make even the most sane guy want to midlife crisis his way into a red Camaro. Dads are expected to keep things fun when moms like me get naggy. Do this. Do that. I mean do this, that way. Do that, but you're doing that all wrong. My husband can only take so much direction, at which point bedtime hits and he starts spontaneously hurling packs of candy at my daughter and doing bad-ass ninja taekwondo with my son. Must be some evolutionary response to eons of nagging wives. 

I was lucky to grow up with the best dad who, though he's sadly passed away, will always be with me. When I find myself taking life too seriously, I think of the look my dad would have given me and it always makes me laugh. When I find myself rushing through my day, I remember how my dad and I would spend hours staring at the clouds, magically willing them to evaporate away. When I get too stuck in a routine, I'll whisk my kids off to do something exciting because nobody taught me the value of adventure more than my spontaneous dad. He was also the first one to arrive in any crisis and the first person I'd call if I needed a cry. I now watch my husband with my kids and feel so lucky that they're growing up with a wonderful dad, too. He makes crepes on Sundays, he takes them on bike rides through the city, and makes bedtime stories way more exciting than any author could ever have imagined. Dads might not parent exactly like moms, but it turns out that's a very good thing.

Whether he's an athlete, a techie, a wannabe hipster or just a laid-back kinda bro, we've rounded up the top gifts to show him how much you appreciate every little thing. We love you, dads! 





A Fail-Proof Father's Day Guide

Originally posted in The Fashion Scoop

It takes one to know one; and by that I mean parents. You know, those of us who nod at each other in the diaper aisle, bleary-eyed, stressed out, shaky from a month straight of 6 hours of sleep (total), at which point we resort to drinking massive jugs of black coffee, even though we swore we'd never touch the stuff. And don't even get me started on the colds, flus, foot & mouth and other random rashes we encounter on a weekly basis. 'Didn't your son have the flu a few weeks ago?' your boss will say skeptically. 'Yup, he did. But he has it again, only a totally rare, more horrendous version. What's that? Oh, yes, he got the flu shot. My kid was the one at the clinic wailing at the top of his lungs, flinging cotton balls at the nurses and then screaming some more when the volunteer had the gall to give him an Angry Birds sticker instead of an Angry Birds Starwars sticker. So yes, I am working from home today whilst changing bedsheets, eating peanut butter from a spoon and listening to the Frozen soundtrack on repeat. What's that you said about deadlines?'

Most dads today get this every bit as well as moms. I mean, I can't tell you how amazing my husband is at singing 'Let It Go' while simultaneously baking kale chips and responding to emails. The dads of today are modern day superheroes, able to leap tall Lego towers in a single bound and go where no other generation of dads has gone before. And by that I mean to playdates, bake sales and diaper drawers. It's a tough job, the very best job, and luckily, we have such amazing dads to tackle it with.

Looking for a thank-you for a parental job well done? We've rounded up our fav gifts for the dad in your life to help you get it just right this year. Happy Father's Day!

See our Father's Day Guide here...



An Epic Father's Day Guide


I'll never pretend to understand what makes guys tick. I mean, things that moms would just never allow seem completely okay in a dad's mind. Watermelons as a snack? Yes. Empty watermelons as helmets? Better. Red tights worn under a dress? Conventional for a 5-year old girl right? Red tights as superhero pants paired with your son's Superman tee? Super freaking awesome. 

The same illogical logic usually applies to gifts, too. There's something about boxes that hold fire and cook bacon, and things that drill into other things, and machines that record vital stats while he's walking to the beer fridge that make him really, really happy. But as we all know, a happy wife (or daughter) makes for a happy life so I've pulled together a Father's Day guide to please all parties.

There's gym gear for the athlete and gadgets that will appease his inner geek, plus clothes that he can wear whilst washing his grown-up Hot Wheels. And yet everything in this guide looks super stylish (and might even push him outside of his style safe-zone) so you can rest assured that he will not be greeting the neighbours in his tragic Crocs and Budweiser tee at your next backyard BBQ. Shudder.

Breathe a sigh of relief and find your perfect gift here. Happy Father's Day!