FALL FASHION: Boots, Handbags, Yum.
Photo via H&M
Originally posted in The CLOSET
It's like a conspiracy this time of year. While we've all been taught about the dangers of jealousy, how can any woman, no matter how sane, help herself? You hear them clicking down the sidewalk behind you. You see them on the periphery in the playground. Then in line at Starbucks, they are literally right in your face as women on both sides go to pull out their credit cards. And we know we don't need them. I mean, most of us have a spare pair of boots and an extra handbag in our closets (I happen to be blessed with a rather large contingent of back-ups). But, we all know it has nothing to do with needs at all. It's about wanting, craving, have-to-have-ing that sublime handbag. It's about knowing that those sick boots you saw on that twenty-something will make us feel twenty-something again. And we work hard, damnit. We deserve them and so we should have them, whether we actually need them or, like me, we really, seriously do not. Butwe'llwearthemeverydaysowhenyouthinkaboutitthatwayyoucanjustifythemanyway. There.
Let's do this. Here are my fav mostly-neutral but oh-so-pretty fall handbags and boots. I already did another handbag round-up last month but as I said, I just couldn't help myself. I hope you understand...