
Entries in Vince Camuto Canada (2)


A Vince Camuto Victory

Okay, so we didn't win the Vince Camuto Canada Step-Up & Style Contest :( But, we came super close and now, one of you is the big winner :)  I want to say a huge thank you to everyone for all their comments and support (108 facebook likes!) and a especially big thanks to the gorgeous Ashley Dance for modeling the look so beautifully. In my mind, we totally rocked the competition.

The winner of these gorgeous green & gold sparkly pumps is...

CAITLYN SALISBURY!!  WHOO HOO.  Air guitar, fireworks, confetti and wind machines to you!  Please send me your mailing address and I'll pop these beauties right in the mail.

Thanks again everyone for all the love!



Vince Camuto Step-Up & Style Contest

Okay, so this is kind of a popularity contest but it's also all about style and SHOES! Help a blogger out and vote for my look (on the lovely Ashley above) in the Vince Camuto Canada Step-Up & Style Contest.  All you have to do is 'like' my entry on the Vince Camuto Canada Facebook Page to vote.  The top 4 vote-getters will win a Vince Camuto fall shopping spree :)

Thank you, love you, and huge hugs to everyone who's already voted! xoxo