WEEKEND WARRIORS | These 30 Finds Will Take Your Off-Duty Wardrobe from Meh to Amazing
via Roots
Originally posted in The Fashion Scoop
I love my job. I really do. But if I'm honest...I mean, if I had to choose between the work week and the weekend, the weekend always wins. I'm not talking Selena Gomez's The Weekend. I'm talking those blissful few days at the tail end of a long week that involve chilling.
I like to keep my weekends chilled in every respect: chilled out vibes that include as few plans as possible, chilled wine or beer (rosé all day, Corona por favor), and a maximally chill wardrobe. I cannot possibly do the weekend to my fullest potential if any of those 3 boxes are left unchecked. And so, I make it my mission every Friday to Sunday to cross off each of those to-do's to chill as productively as possible.
When it comes to your weekend wardrobe, these late summer days might have you feeling some wardrobe fatigue. Perhaps your shorts are too short. Perhaps your tees feel just a little too loved. Or maybe, just maybe, you just feel like shopping because in my mind, getting new clothes releases dopamine, which results in an overall feeling of yup, you guessed it: chill. Goals = met.
Scroll through the thumbnails below to check out 30 finds that will take your off-duty wardrobe from meh to amazeballs. Oh, and speaking of the weekend...yay! Happy Friday!