Let's Dance
Image courtesy Vogue
Originally posted in The CLOSET
No matter how routiney or predictable we become, there's something about the end of the year that inspires us to believe; We believe we can get out of that massive rut, that we can tranform into that person we've always wanted to become, that we can change for the better. After a week-long binge-fest, I've already made some mental resolutions that I hope to keep, though I know that every year, sometime around January 13th, I'll likely slip back into at least a few old habits.
Regardless, a girl can always dream - and in my laid-back holiday state, as I lie here happily ensonced on my couch, watching piles of movies with my kids and trying to muster up the effort to hit the toboggan hill, I've already dreamt up some stellar New Year's Eve outfits. I figure by the time the 31st rolls around, I'll be very ready to toss aside my well-worn pajama pants and get back into my heels to kick in the brand new year. Here's to wishing and hoping and for all of us, a truly wonderful 2013.
xo sarah